When over-current, over-voltage, or short circuit protection is triggered the VisionTek 800 watt power supply will shut itself off. The device will return to normal operation when the fault has been removed and the power switch is reset. Over-Current Protection: The power supply DC outputs are protected from supplying current above the maximum ratings and when output power is between 110-150%. With the exception of the 5VSB output, all DC outputs are switched off in the event of an over-current on any of the DC outputs. Over-Voltage Protection: The over-voltage sense circuitry resides in packages that are separate from the regulator control circuitry. No single point fault is able to cause a sustained over-voltage condition on any outputs. Short Circuit Protection: The DC outputs from this power supply are protected from damage due to faults. In the event of a short circuit on any output, all outputs will be disabled and remain so until the power supply is turned off and powered back on.